NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920+/-Sum
1Heikki Saunanen 0F54334263344327332242069
2Tuomas Autio +3F45343253435325523245+372
2Markku Autio +3F45324352345227333354+372
4Esa Aittolampi +14F55443254439337534253+1483
4Lasse Lamminaho +14F55324353526338443366+1483
6Teemu Suomalainen +20F55544265536346453455+2089
7Topias Lamminaho +26F54444455547337455458+2695
8Julius Lamminaho+29F663453636473410544357+2998
9Keijo Lamminaho +30F68334674438439545364+3099
10Elias Lamminaho +31F66344376548439434575+31100
11Matias Lamminaho+57F666664946586412667379+57126

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The result was updated on: 2016-07-07 20:12:22. Free is used

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