NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 81112151617181920212223+/-Sum
Metrixrating alle 900 (8)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 81112151617181920212223+/-Sum
1Juha Ristimäki +4F355433432343633433+464
2Jaakko Punkero +6F344334333643632633+666
3Jarkko Viljanmaa +8F355433344533633533+868
3Ilmari Hakala +8F344423323634734427+868
5Markku(Paappa) Vuoto +9F444334333634542653+969
5Nico Kykkänen +9F345434234433643626+969
7Jarmo Penttilä +10F344423433435743545+1070
8Matias Penttilä +16F356433343842736633+1676
Metrixrating Yli 900 (7)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 81112151617181920212223+/-Sum
1Joonas Hakala -5F333323242423532335-555
2Lassi Hahto -3F434323334344432323-357
3Jukka Nimell 0F233353233335533434060
4Janne Hakanen +1F344334323422642633+161
4Timo suomalainen +1F344423433423433633+161
6Janne Komsi +4F453434343443632333+464
7Vesa Hakala +10F344333532534542845+1070

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The result was updated on: 2024-09-07 13:07:22. Free is used

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