1Jarkko Huhtala -7F223222323-721
2Petri Saloniemi -5F223233233-523
2Vili Syvänen -5F323233223-523
2Risto Peura -5F243322322-523
5Sampo Kankare -4F324222333-424
5Samuel Kalliomäki -4F224233323-424
5Konsta höysniemi-4F234323223-424
8Akseli Saloniemi -2F234423323-226
9Jasper Kovamäki -1F324333432-127
9Mikael joku-1F334234332-127
11Toni-Pekka Kuusniemi +8F347444334+836

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The result was updated on: 2024-09-26 18:51:29. Free is used

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