NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213+/-Sum
Pro Open (27)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213+/-Sum
1Sören Lohse -10F2224222232222-1029
1Patrik Solerti -10F2223322223222-1029
3Klaus Egger -9F2223232322322-930
4dan-ian Nicolas -8F2232422233222-831
4Arno Lingenhel -8F2232232224232-831
6Rouven Maue -6F2234233222332-633
6BLERSCH Axel-6F2334322222332-633
6Sebastian Meyer -6F3222232243233-633
9Patrick Hechenberger -5F2333222232352-534
9Markus Ettlinger -5F4332322223242-534
11Malte Kück -4F2243333222324-435
11florian wallisch -4F2332233334232-435
11Ander Auer -4F2442323223323-435
11Lukas Perro -4F2233343233232-435
15HUBER Gregor-3F4233422323323-336
15Markus Woletz -3F3323333332323-336
17Matthias Pfötscher -1F3333242422424-138
18Daniel Kees 0F3343333342242039
19NISHIDA Noriyuki+1F3336333233323+140
20FRITSCHER Mathias+2F2533433234342+241
20LEBEDA Patrick+2F3354333332333+241
22RINNER Justin+3F2434433433333+342
23Andreas Cziferszky +5F3435423353333+544
24JENEWEIN Alexander+7F3434543345233+746
24DIMAI Daniel+7F3454553324323+746
26HÖGER Alexander+9F4536334334343+948
27DOPPLER Michael+14F3345543444554+1453
Pro Open Women (12)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213+/-Sum
1Birgit Lingenhel -5F2433322242232-534
2Karin Baum -4F3322233334232-435
3HÖGER Sonja+6F3344443434333+645
3Elisabeth Schmidhammer +6F4333444323345+645
5KURTZE Julia Katharina+9F5433543424533+948
6Anna Irmler +10F4444334443354+1049
7VALENTIN Christina+12F5534344434444+1251
8SCHAUSBERGER Laura Maria+13F4353444544543+1352
9GASSER Nadine+15F5444544434544+1554
10LEBEDA Manuela+17F4444454544455+1756
11DIMAI Elisabeth+18F5545454453445+1857
12DOPPLER Kerstin+26F4666465545545+2665
Junior ≤ 18 (9)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213+/-Sum
1HÖGER Jakob-2F3343332333322-237
2Noah Solerti +1F3452332433323+140
3Felix Pfötscher+3F3453333432342+342
3CZIFERSZKY Max+3F3335433333243+342
5WOLETZ Christopher+6F4444434343233+645
6Sebastian Baumgartner +7F4343453433433+746
7DOPPLER Mathias+9F3443444345334+948
8Linus Pfötscher+11F4354334444453+1150
9DIMAI Lorenz+20F4555555533545+2059
Junior Girls ≤ 18 (1)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213+/-Sum
1HÖGER Johanna+9F6333434433444+948

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The result was updated on: 2024-11-03 20:00:57. Free is used

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