NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910+/-Sum
1Mats Tõhk +3F4334243343+333
1Kristjan Kütt +3F4433243343+333
1Raido Allese +3F4343243343+333
4Mats-Eerik Tõhk +4F4433333344+434
5Christian lumpre+5F4344344342+535
6Andres Saa +7F4444343353+737
6aarne küper +7F4443343444+737
6Steven Tihomirov +7F3344343454+737
9Martin Elming +8F3444434354+838
9Taimo Tugi +8F6443344343+838
11Madis Oidemaa +10F4454354353+1040
12Triinu-Liis Tõhk +11F4444544453+1141
13Pille Luik+15F4455364554+1545
14Kermo Kibe+17F4456555454+1747

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The result was updated on: 2016-07-31 16:08:55. Free is used

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