1Hedili Nõu +8F453355444+837
2Irma Jäe +9F543448433+938
2Kai Reinart+9F553455344+938
4Erki Peet+14F654457345+1443
5Martin Rei+22F6756610443+2251
6Kristina Rannaäär+23F8765410444+2352
7Kristo Kiil+25F785679543+2554
8Marleen Püüa+26F5744512558+2655
8Kätlin Ardel+26F775658755+2655
10Janar Kand+27F7746610466+2756
11Oliver Moorsoo+28F8105569545+2857
12Hell Kärner+35F10956610765+3564

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The result was updated on: 2016-09-13 23:25:04. Free is used

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