NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Aki Aalto -2F424452322432434432-257
2Pasi Kallio -1F534442323233343433-158
3Mikko Reponen 0F545533322553122432059
4Ville Kostin +2F626452323233432533+261
5aatu turkki +3F533443333433335442+362
5Henrik Kostin +3F634464444332323322+362
7jani holm +4F634443323443532433+463
8jukka laasonen +6F533542334433552533+665
9Kari Vornanen +7F523652434253623443+766
10Frans Paasikivi +8F535483433332335343+867
11jose mattola +10F545553424433233833+1069
11Timi Juutilainen +10F734653425243334344+1069
13Jasper santanen +13F444642443333383743+1372
14Toni Lattunen +14F733833423434435644+1473

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The result was updated on: 2016-09-28 19:17:37. Free is used

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