NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Jalo Liene -6F332232433422323342-650
2Ville Tyrväinen -4F333232542223332343-452
3Mikko Romo +4F333344433343343343+460
4Markus Kruuse +7F333342543433434543+763
5Mika Laitinen +9F433354444433543342+965
5Juha Nauha +9F333343433444454452+965
7Juho Tiihonen +14F343235653444464352+1470
8Tuukka Tiihonen+17F434335542435456553+1773
9Tommi Tiihonen +20F344445553453454545+2076
Bullseye hit
Green hit
Outside circle putt
Inside circle putts
Inside bullseye putt

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The result was updated on: 2017-04-10 00:47:07. Free is used

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