NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Joonas Kosonen -3F323234433433436432-359
2Sammy Pylkki -2F323333433334436343-260
2Känts Kohvakka -2F333343423336335243-260
4Juho Laamanen -1F433443433334425423-161
5Arto Junno +1F333234446254334523+163
6Olli Reinikainen +2F432346443343334434+264
6petri kolari +2F443345433335524333+264
8Saku Rusko +3F343344433344534434+365
8Sami Bovelan +3F333234335336444435+365
10Kalle Pesonen +6F432353433434536436+668
11Niko Kivimurto +7F643355434343443335+769
12Marko Voutilainen +9F634354433254345535+971
13Marko Issakainen +10F433445344444636425+1072
14Pasi anttila +11F433336535344735534+1173
15Kevin Pursiainen+13F354335744434545336+1375
16Samu Pusa +16F434365443346647444+1678
17Rami Eerikäinen +17F443444444554557454+1779
17Antero Kuhmonen +17F434445554454546544+1779

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The result was updated on: 2017-04-25 19:59:23. Free is used

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