Aloittelijat (13)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Matti Auvinen+1F323333453+129
2Mira Oksanen +2F335343243+230
2Helge Simola+2F533343333+230
2Elina Tenhunen +2F433343433+230
5Sari Viksten+5F433335453+533
5Jonna Levonen+5F443443533+533
7Janne Ilomäki+6F544434433+634
7Mikko Syhlman+6F554443324+634
9Suheil Virtanen+9F453443464+937
10Mila Lindholm +11F445434654+1139
11Juha Pasanen+13F455345546+1341
11Anne Berggren+13F645446534+1341
13Patrik Pasanen+14F544445664+1442

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The result was updated on: 2017-05-16 20:51:33. Free is used

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