1ROWAN BEZY -3F222333432-324
1Seth de Fontenay -3F322332423-324
3Haydn Shore -2F223432423-225
3DAVE REEVES -2F232333432-225
3Logan Gemmell -2F223334323-225
6paul gosling -1F233334332-126
6Lance Hartwell -1F232433423-126
8Woody Riley 0F323334432027
9Murray Cramp +1F233443333+128
9Tyler Elliott +1F323433334+128
9Les Payne +1F333334432+128
9Chris Corbyn+1F333333334+128
9Anthony Magras +1F332433433+128
9billy knight +1F332334334+128
9David Waters +1F333333433+128
16Mark Thomson +3F333434433+330
16Matt Newton +3F433444323+330
18Roger Alborough +4F335334424+431
19charlotte Dunkley +7F333544444+734
19Jordan Prasad +7F334535533+734
21Sivani Patel +12F454445544+1239

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The result was updated on: 2017-06-05 01:37:39. Free is used

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