NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920+/-Sum
1Heikki Saunanen +6F46334243524354333356+675
1Markku Autio +6F65223263435226443355+675
3Veli-Matti Hauta +13F67334253435238343464+1382
4Anna-Sofia Haipus +15F55543362445348643343+1584
5Aati Vesala +17F55443663336435434357+1786
5Esa Aittolampi +17F64533264437337434456+1786
5Tomi Ojala +17F74335363536349333355+1786
8Teemu Suomalainen +22F65444354437249345465+2291
9Leena3 Saunanen +23F662434635473212444364+2392
10Kristian Ouri +25F46335463536439544557+2594
11J-P Nikkola +26F75434365737348433457+2695
12Jukka Rantamäki +37F863344746483512554366+37106

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The result was updated on: 2017-06-14 21:14:48. Free is used

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