Avoin (16)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Timi Järvenpää -3F232533322-325
2Kalle Lunkka -2F233433224-226
3Antti Tuomi -1F332443224-127
3JArmo Rantanen -1F223533333-127
3Tuukka Leinonen -1F333433233-127
6Mikko Putaja 0F333453322028
6Samuli Kivirinne 0F233453323028
8Jaakko Murtomäki +1F442433243+129
8Pauli Jarvansalo +1F233353334+129
8Joni Ala-Kapee +1F234424433+129
11Markku Saine +2F543523233+230
12Tomi Falhi +3F334543333+331
12Lauri Koponen +3F343424344+331
14Teemu Korolainen +4F443534324+432
14Ville Siukkola +4F333443534+432
16Tauno Järvemets +6F463434334+634
Papat +40 (3)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Petri Anttiroiko -1F232433334-127
2Otto Pöyhönen +4F344524334+432
3ATTE SAURUSVAARA +17F443836845+1745

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The result was updated on: 2017-06-21 19:56:07. Free is used

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