NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Karl Peebo +815333334343544347+856
2Mihkel Kannelmäe +1615653332453563547+1664
3Katariina Muru +2714544654545545511+2772
4Kaarel Täll +2914546455446525415+2974
4Siim Toomet +2915544448455574459+2977
6Erki Tammemäe +32155564365636745510+3280
7Karola Peebo +331464656445775559+3378
8Raimond Põldmaa +3414565556556645511+3479
9Martin Randalu+3515544566456686549+3583
10Lauri Enneveer+4114655457749855511+4186
11Marit Nõmm+53147756867581056513+5398

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The result was updated on: 2017-07-07 17:03:52. Free is used

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