NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819202122+/-Sum
1Aatu Turkki -7F3244233332334442233432-766
2Topi Palsa -3F3335333332443433333333-370
3Henrik Kostin -2F3325423332353532324434-271
4Aki Aalto -1F4234233332354453333334-172
5Ville Kostin 0F4435233333344443323433073
6Arttu Kantola +1F4335333333344553323522+174
7Frans Paasikivi +3F4346323333345743234322+376
8Jarno Hirvonen +5F6444332443435453532322+578
8Pekka Kokki +5F4334332433345443535343+578
10Mikko Pulkkinen +15F5346333332445663535444+1588
11Justine Bitka +19F5346433532655554524454+1992

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The result was updated on: 2017-07-11 17:22:10. Free is used

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