NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021+/-Sum
1Juha Huopaniemi -3F333433433223332333333-362
2Joona Vallenius -2F333434423234323233432-263
3Jussi Chydenius -1F233423342233433333533-164
3Jyri Sariola -1F233335433222533233433-164
5Teemu Hammare 0F233334332233333333643065
6Sampo Haapaniemi +3F243444243333343334432+368
7Pasi Laito +4F333435344333424233442+469
8Paavo Hyökki +5F434335353323344233532+570
9Mikko Sateila +11F243435434444343334543+1176
10Kimmo Mikael Turunen 0-00
10Vesa Huotelin 0-00

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The result was updated on: 2017-08-13 13:34:18. Free is used

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