NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Petja Henttonen -2F433333434333334443-260
2Kalle Pesonen 0F432334534343424434062
2Marko Issakainen 0F423343443344445323062
2Timo Pitko 0F233433333343436336062
2Joonas Kosonen 0F333233433435346334062
6Janne Toivanen +1F343333433433535533+163
6Juho Laamanen +1F343343334544324434+163
8Niko Kivimurto +3F334343334435345443+365
9Teemu Tammikivi +4F334353433444535433+466
9Olli Reinikainen +4F344324533344365334+466
11Saku Rusko +5F343343443434546334+567
12Juho Rusko +7F433443444454444335+769
13Joni Laukkanen+25F555549435654625545+2587

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The result was updated on: 2017-09-26 19:04:00. Free is used

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