1Meelis Ellik 0F343333323027
1Martin Tishler 0F343333323027
3Ergo Kula+1F442333333+128
3Kevin Kula+1F442333333+128
5Liina Solotarjeva +2F433433333+229
5Ingmar Pill +2F433433333+229
7Raili Nõgu +3F443334333+330
7Kaarel Pukk +3F443334333+330
9Kristo Sikuts 0-00
9Jaak Nõgu0-00
9Lisett Alt 0-00
9Irma Jäe 0-00
9Urmas Jäe 0-00
9Riina Linde0-00
9Jako Haikara 0-00
9Jüri Linde 0-00

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The result was updated on: 2015-09-21 23:07:09. Free is used

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