NoName+/-Thr 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617+/-Sum
1Sami Poikkeus +2F2434333333335434+253
2Thomas Nylund +3F3535323434333334+354
3Kimmo sormunen +5F3446333334325433+556
3Samuli Holmberg +5F2435435334343343+556
5Matias Engman +7F3635443334334334+758
6miikka saturi +8F3535333435335344+859
6Jussi Hämäläinen +8F4643343334435343+859
8Knuutti Lehtinen +11F4535352334454534+1162
8Jamo Heikkilä +11F3435343446444434+1162
10aki immonen +12F3536244446334444+1263
11Heidi Engman +22F4545484445535445+2273

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The result was updated on: 2017-12-06 11:30:04. Free is used

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