NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415+/-Sum
1Nikolai Tsouloukidse -2F333224423344222-243
2Peter Gaebler +1F333233434333432+146
3Klaus-Peter Dützmann +2F344242432333343+247
4Stefan Berger +3F453332443333332+348
4Michael Strate+3F433253433334242+348
6Daniel Mende +4F234433442434333+449
6Benjamin Borchert +4F443333433433333+449
8Manuel Adolph+5F333333444335243+550
8Bernd R. +5F333343633524332+550
10Sven-Oliver Thom +8F343344533335343+853
10Katrin Röbbig+8F443333444434343+853
12Conny Rahlfs-Busse+14F453344544533534+1459

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The result was updated on: 2018-02-18 13:02:58. Free is used

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