Open (6)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Bjarte Engevik+6F443545443+636
2Geir-Kåre Ynnesdal+9F543643455+939
3Jørn Otto Olsen +11F543644645+1141
3Kjell Mongstad +11F553745534+1141
5Endre Natvik +15F452845656+1545
6Celestin Miandry+17F643455956+1747
Junior (4)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Eirik Engevik +6F443545434+636
2Aleksander Tangen+16F554654467+1646
3Aron Engevik +22F873755845+2252
4Truls Einen Osland+55F119915781079+5585

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The result was updated on: 2018-03-03 21:59:45. Free is used

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