NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011+/-Sum
1Pasi Karhu -2F23223335332-231
1jyrki jokinen -2F23224433233-231
1Sami Sanssi -2F33223334233-231
4Toni Lantunen -1F33222333434-132
5Markku Ketola +1F23434334233+134
6Tero Laaksomaa +2F32434344332+235
7Heidi Helin-Harinen +5F33334453343+538
8Ossi Harinen +6F32333374434+639
8Satu Parikka +6F33335544333+639
8Jouni Paija +6F34326335343+639
11Sari Paija +8F33444344453+841

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The result was updated on: 2018-03-04 16:43:29. Free is used

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