NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011+/-Sum
1Jukka Lintula -1F23423523242-132
2Tomi Palmi +1F33334323343+134
2Jarkko Havia +1F33323433244+134
4Aki Jukkola +2F33425343233+235
4J-P Okero +2F23324433443+235
4Juha Antero Riikonen +2F34323344333+235
8Sami Koskimäki +3F35333333334+336
9Ihan Arto Vaan +4F23325434434+437
10Jari Haapasalmi +5F44345323433+538
11Tomi Matikainen +8F33336534353+841
12Ville Tanni +9F33335544336+942

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The result was updated on: 2018-04-15 10:54:23. Free is used

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