NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1Jari Haapasalmi -5F322323423322-531
2Tomi Matikainen -1F434222432333-135
2Aimo sulkko-1F233323333424-135
2Jarkko Havia -1F333423423323-135
2Ville Tanni -1F334223432324-135
6J-P Okero 0F323333433243036
7Guido Mondragon +1F434233432333+137
8Aki Jukkola +2F334334432333+238
9Ihan Arto Vaan +3F334333443333+339
10Tomi Palmi +6F324433544334+642
11Kimmo Käpynen +7F443435533234+743
11Risto Naskali +7F543333423634+743
13Juuso Kyrkkö +12F544334634534+1248
14Jarmo Hankela +13F435436534354+1349

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The result was updated on: 2018-04-22 14:41:01. Free is used

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