NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910+/-Sum
1Jüri Karus -5F4223422222-525
1Siim Oja -5F4223422222-525
3Garel Tamm -4F4223233232-426
3Reno Kangur -4F4223233232-426
5Tiit Kangro -2F3223433323-228
5Raido Kangur -2F3223433323-228
7Martin Laiv +1F4325433232+131
7Margus Lillepa +1F6234333322+131
7Lauri Siidam +1F4325433232+131
7Monika R. Lillepa +1F6234333322+131

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The result was updated on: 2018-05-17 21:31:11. Free is used

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