NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920+/-Sum
1Zakhar Zakharevich +6F43443334334434444332+669
2Ville Hornborg +9F45343254444324344334+972
2Seppo Ronni +9F35343363232434365334+972
2Jari Valtonen +9F33353464433334345333+972
5Mira Uhlenius +12F44353434444363354333+1275
6Sami Mäntymäki +14F54333344456334356333+1477
7Niko Bäckman +16F54352444353324466444+1679
8Mart Kalda +20F65442356353434556433+2083
9Ritva Mustonen +25F55445444444635375444+2588
10Sauli Toiviainen +63F77674576588767477684+63126

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The result was updated on: 2018-06-02 11:58:42. Free is used

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