NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Ardi Roomelt +2F333333244333435533+260
2Madis Tamm +5F234334335342434544+563
3Tarmo Vilipõld +10F334345354335434345+1068
4Marko Jürgenson +11F333354344354445444+1169
5Jaan Kirsipuu +13F333334355353354556+1371
6Heiki Siider +14F423343466343445545+1472
7kaarel kraus+16F433444444463454554+1674
8Taavi Vilipõld +17F443453466453344634+1775
9Harri Lääts +19F333464455345445654+1977
10suht kraus+26F773546454553345545+2684
11Kenno Vilipõld+62F77447766111148558956+62120

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The result was updated on: 2015-11-29 14:51:03. Free is used

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