NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1Aatu Turkki -5F333233223342-533
2Eetu Muhonen -4F423224332342-434
2Elias Terho -4F433333222432-434
4jani holm -2F423334232433-236
5Timo Ruuska -1F432332322436-137
6Jasper santanen 0F433343322443038
6Aki Aalto 0F633242233433038
6Ville Salminen 0F434333323433038
9Frans Paasikivi +2F424253243542+240

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The result was updated on: 2018-07-24 00:31:55. Free is used

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