Avatud (12)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Margo Peters -3F332224233-324
2Vladimir Kalames -1F323334233-126
2Karl Müürsepp -1F333334322-126
4Ivo Linder +1F333343324+128
4Jüri Lamp +1F432433333+128
6Kristjan Noormets +2F333335333+229
6Tiit Treial +2F333444323+229
8Aleksander Riehakkainen +3F334435332+330
8Turvo Teedemaa+3F333434433+330
8Meelis Viinalass +3F432444432+330
11Viktor Kalames +4F323425543+431
11Sverre Seppa+4F343333435+431

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The result was updated on: 2014-08-11 15:29:55. Free is used

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