NoName+/-Thr19181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1+/-Sum
1Uvis Sunakslis +3F3323423426534432222+359
2Kristaps Kiršentāls +7F3332453435333542332+763
2Kalvis Fridenbergs +7F2424333535535332332+763
4Kims Sinkevics +9F4233343345444342532+965
5Sandis Vītols +10F4233543446445422232+1066
6Roberts Pēkšens +11F3434243446554232342+1167
6Daniels Grunte +11F5333333544334543252+1167
6jurijs sinkevics +11F4343443435445322442+1167
9Klāvs McBeth +13F7334334335544332532+1369
10Māris Tīfentāls +21F6434454445444442462+2177

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The result was updated on: 2018-09-30 12:41:34. Free is used

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