NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920+/-Sum
1Antti Viertiö -9F32333224322222332233-951
2Ville Hornborg -6F33233244222332332323-654
3Zakhar Zakharevich -3F32234334323342232324-357
3Seppo Ronni -3F33223244233343432232-357
3tomi näppä -3F44433333312223332243-357
3Tero Hämäläinen -3F32324234223343432323-357
3Mira Uhlenius -3F32333233234323242235-357
8Mikko Heinänen +5F33333434323343345333+565
9Sami Mäntymäki +6F34223344332433353336+666
10Markus Solonen +8F34235534333333444333+868
11Tuomas Mettänen +10F43334434324443333445+1070

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The result was updated on: 2018-11-17 15:51:05. Free is used

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