NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9DES1112131415161718+/-Sum
1Sergey Bondarenko -2F332342332333443333-254
1Pcholkin Dima -2F333343323233323344-254
3Oleksandr Romanenko -1F332354233333424233-155
3Pavlo Bahriienko -1F333443333322323434-155
5Yuriy Dyvysenko 0F333343324333433234056
6Oleksandr Lapchuk +5F433354333433434333+561
7Alex Malyshev +14F444353643355534333+1470
8Vitalii Mylnychuk +16F454445533444533444+1672
9Andrii Bahriienko +1715444444345546453+1763
10MrWalking101 +22F5433433544535315333+2278

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The result was updated on: 2019-03-09 12:42:42. Free is used

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