NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Mikko Kaikkonen -9F422322422342322433-949
2Jari Härö -6F322332433532323432-652
3Joonas Koski -1F433332333443334414-157
4Valtteri Ahlqvist 0F322232362453333453058
5Teppo Nieppola +1F423223423543532453+159
5Mikael Hyväri +1F234234444442323443+159
7Mika Ylisaukko-oja +2F433233524352432444+260
8Matias Kämäräinen +3F533436333443322433+361
8Pasi Alakylmänen +3F443334343443422443+361
10Onni Salonen +4F423333432563334443+462

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The result was updated on: 2019-04-06 17:12:34. Free is used

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