0-790 (7)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Uno Rego +2F333343343+229
2Joonas Roots +3F233342544+330
2Karl-Eerik Kukk +3F333442443+330
2Reimo Laks +3F332444433+330
5Rasmus Moora +6F333453354+633
6Eve Rihma +7F333453445+734
7Marek Rosin +10F364443355+1037
791-849 (9)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Kaarel Gull -2F232343332-225
2Raido Sarapuu -1F323233433-126
3Viljar Maidla +1F433332343+128
3Alex Lojander +1F533224333+128
3Ralf-Robert Luik +1F233344333+128
6Tanel Päärand +2F333433343+229
6Gregor Rande +2F333352442+229
6Martin Haug +2F224343353+229
9Leo Päärand +3F325353333+330
850+ (10)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Taavi Pint -6F222322233-621
2Remo Roosipõld -4F232232333-423
3Martin Ilves -1F232334234-126
3Janek Võõbus -1F323333342-126
3Artur Lojander -1F422233433-126
3Karli Rihma -1F333232433-126
3Janel Palm -1F323333333-126
8Uku Jürgenson 0F333333333027
9Ardi Roomelt +1F323332453+128
9Rome-Andro Moora +1F433332343+128

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The result was updated on: 2019-04-14 16:16:48. Free is used

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