NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Ville Hornborg +5F323333363444444333+562
2Juha Kettumäki +8F235343464343354333+865
2Markus Solonen +8F363333373324453334+865
2Mira Uhlenius +8F424325363623364234+865
5jani ahjoniemi +11F434343454442364254+1168
6Sami Mäntymäki +14F344433555434554433+1471
7Ritva Mustonen +16F444334363436466235+1673
8Seppo Ronni +17F3333233433243431963+1774
9Erik Rehnstrand +24F346645484335345545+2481
10Pilvi Turunen +32F636366574636466444+3289
11Elise Kettumäki +34F537734584544785345+3491

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The result was updated on: 2019-04-21 17:09:24. Free is used

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