NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum  
1Mauri Villmann -8F333333333232422225-451-8102
2Simar Villmann -5F532333343232323334-154-5105
3Asko Krais 0F342225333234322224-4510110
4Andres Idnurm +2F243343323333322334-2532112
5Henry Tilk +6F323533244532243334+3586116
6Karl-Erik Roostfeldt +10F242445344234222434+35810120
7Ahti Villmann +13F334334334335333336+76213123
8Risto Peterson +236777777+24422396
9Julius Urb +24F333323333434334327+45924134
10Rainer Villmann +30F354453555233444236+157030140

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The result was updated on: 2019-05-01 14:10:37. Free is used

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