Head to head
Detailed results
Rolands Gruzītis, Ivars Stoma
- Place:
- 51
- Score round:
- 62
- To par:
- 1
- Round rating:
- 957
Rasmus Metsamaa, Kristo Raik
- Place:
- 3
- Score round:
- 50
- To par:
- -11
- Round rating:
- 1077
Toni Laitiala, Heikki Savolainen
- Place:
- 84
- Score round:
- 0
- To par:
- 0
- Round rating:
- 1580
Kristi Roost, Merit Makrjakov
- Place:
- 76
- Score round:
- 72
- To par:
- 11
- Round rating:
- 856