
Kilpailuohjeita / Competition info


Welcome to the Sieravuori Challenge 2024 presented by Innova. Event starts on Monday 8th of July and the course is open for practice. The competition starts on Saturday 13th and the event ends on Sunday 14th.



Tournament Director: Atte Kolis                        Assistant Tournament Director: Susanna Lindqvist

Email: atte.kolis@gmail.com                             Email: susanna.lindqvist@me.com

Phone: +358456714466                                      Phone: +358505305517


FRIDAY - July 12th

  • Practice day (course open for competitors only)

  • No course fee

  • Distance Challenge at 18:00

  • Players package available and the registration for players dinner take place at the restaurant Kiviravintola

SATURDAY - July 13th

  • 1st round

  • Golf-starts starting at 9:00 a.m.

  • Division order of play: FPO, MPO

    • Registration at Hole 1 no later than 10 minutes before your own tee-time. Short players’ meeting for each group before start.

  • Players evening at the restaurant Kiviravintola at 20:00. Please remember to register for the dinner on Friday

​SUNDAY - July 14th

  • 2nd round

  • Golf-starts starting at 9:00 a.m.

  • Division order of play: MPO bottom 50 %, FPO, MPO top 50%

    • Registration at Hole 1 no later than 10 minutes before your own tee-time. Short players’ meeting for each group before start.

  • The prize ceremony will be held at the tournament center immediately after the results are confirmed and any sudden-deaths are played.



Tee times will be published on the event site (PDGA site) and in Metrix as soon as possible after registration closes and groups are formed. This will be done no later than Wednesday evening. Please check your tee time on Friday evening. Some minor changes may be done due withdrawals etc. 


Please remember to pick up the players package before the 1st round from the restaurant on Friday or Saturday. Register also for Saturdays players dinner at the same time. 


Please, read the competition caddie book before the competition starts. 


Important notes for players! 

  • Check the caddie book for hole specific rules! 

  • normal OB rules stands in all OB throws (rule 806.02)

  • 2 meter rule is not valid in the competition

  • remember 30 second rule after marking a lie (pace of play)

  • the warming area is located between the tennis court and hole 6.  Please watch out for players on hole 6 while warming up. 

  • the putting area is located next to the tournament center and restaurant. 


The rules of the PDGA 2024 apply to the competition. Rules must be followed and violations of the rules must be addressed. In unclear situations, the group makes a decision on the correct way to play. If the group cannot reach a decision, alternative ways of playing are played and the TD decides on the correct way to play after a round.


Suspension of the round must be notified to the TD personally. TD can be reached on +35845 671 4466 during the competition.


  1. Each player keeps scores during a competition round. Digital scorecards are the primary option. 

  2. PDGA live app is the official scorecard for the competition. PDGA live is held by multiple players in each playing group. The group checks results after a round and confirms results in the app. 

  3. The Metrix scorecard is held by one player in each playing group. Please check the results after a round between PDGA scorecard and Metrix scorecard. 

  4. Paper scorecard is held by a player if digital scoring doesn’t work. This is a backup. Paper scorecard must return to TD after a round.

Scoring will be checked in a players meeting before both rounds at hole one. 


Places 1. - 3. will be awarded with trophies right after scores are checked. Playoff is played if needed starting from hole one until the winner is determined. 

The Sieravuori Challenge presented by Innova announced 10 000 € added prize money earlier. Total payout for both divisions will be published by Friday 12th. 

Please contact the tournament directors, if you have anything to ask about the competition.

Thank you for reading this letter and we’ll see you soon! 


Atte Kolis                                                   Susanna Lindqvist

Tournament Director                                 Assistant Tournament Director














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