NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819+/-Sum
Vīrieši kuri māk spēlēt (35)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819+/-Sum
1Gunārs Grundmanis -6F4222333223343333234-654
1Jānis Dombrovskis -6F4222242243532232334-654
3Elviss Lapiņš -5F5332233222433333324-555
4Linas Strelkauskas -3F4323352232534233323-357
4Arturs Rullis -3F4332443222342432235-357
6Kalvis Fridenbergs -1F4223432423642522234-159
6Ingus Ziemelis -1F4322333223333554324-159
6Ingemārs Stalšāns -1F5323234333432342334-159
6Andris Mošenkovs -1F5222342423533333343-159
6Raimondas Mikalkėnas -1F4233434333432432225-159
11Pāvels Voitkevičs 0F4333333332543323334060
11Pāvels Brokāns 0F5322344233432532334060
11Uvis Sunakslis 0F3224334232432444443060
14Darius Zukauskas +1F5323243434443332234+161
14Jānis Zemzāle +1F5223343223453344333+161
16Werner Grüɴ +2F4322343343722333326+262
16Rytis Strelkauskas +2F6222352333443333434+262
16Reinis Pēkšens +2F4222443343442334425+262
16Waseem Mohammed +2F6322243332443443334+262
20Toms Šteinbergs +3F5434433233442423334+363
20Reinis Stalšāns +3F4332433432432434336+363
22Karolis Lukoševičius +4F5333343333543432235+464
22Renatas Simutis +4F4334353432443432334+464
24Ottomar William Grün +5F4223342335543443425+565
24Maksims Voitkevics +5F6333433333433434235+565
24Arnis Makārovs +5F6443342332543433225+565
27Kristaps Kiršentāls +6F5542345333543322334+666
27Jānis Sniķers +6F5323334353553423334+666
29Krists Kulmanis +7F5333454333533323345+767
30Madars Rullis +9F6323542433644433244+969
30Rolands Bēriņš +9F5233354324543324545+969
32Zintis Felkers +10F4433343333843543424+1070
32Gatis Rudiņš +10F5442443343543343345+1070
32Risto Pakkonen +10F6223552442533334446+1070
35Edgars Kurpnieks +11F5343343333634433635+1171
Sievietes kuras māk spēlēt (7)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819+/-Sum
1Ieva Zvane +10F7333443244543433335+1070
2Oksana Žukauskienė +11F5334353433553533434+1171
3Merit Makrjakov +14F5343463433544443336+1474
4Zane Voitkeviča +15F7333354333644434355+1575
5Aija Grundmane +18F5343444463564445334+1878
6Monta Ārste +20F5453353434754543445+2080
7Loreta Simutė +25F7345663343456543446+2585
Vīrieši kuri mācās spēlēt (15)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819+/-Sum
1Nauris Kalnejs +9F6433434333653433234+969
2Rūdolfs Skoks +12F5334453334554444234+1272
3Miko Švenis +13F4333255444763344324+1373
4Dāvis Mizis +14F6343352444645325344+1474
4Alvis Jēkabsons +14F6423364443454433435+1474
6Aleksandrs Mizis +15F5443453344744534333+1575
7Pauls Vemanis +16F5453553444453533335+1676
8Valdis Meiris +17F6453354333663443435+1777
8Sandis Krekovskis +17F7333445342543543348+1777
8Arvis Rudzītis +17F5343374353545433436+1777
8Edgars Mucenieks +17F8354353444553433335+1777
12Normunds Apinis +19F7433343434664543256+1979
13Kristaps Legzdiņš +20F6343455344555443355+2080
13Maksims Keskin +20F7333654433545533347+2080
15Kristers Miezītis +30F5434564456933543467+3090
Sievietes kuras mācās spēlēt (4)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819+/-Sum
1Indra Mize +19F6433453334654544247+1979
2Katrīna Jencīte +35F7544564544655645556+3595
3Elizabete Pēkšena +42F8345674444965656646+42102
4Lāsma Frīdenberga +46F7475565465884656447+46106
Jaunieši (5)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819+/-Sum
1Rainers Balodis +1F4233432333433343335+161
2Kristians Stalšāns +11F5325443432544533444+1171
3Ralfs Galanins +16F5344343545534643434+1676
3Darians Galāņins +16F8432454424553343346+1676
5Nils Rudiņš +24F7343544445654553445+2484

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The result was updated on: 2020-02-08 12:57:05. Free is used

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UFOGOLF Solar Calendar Events!

The Meteni, sometimes called the Meteni Day, can also be called the Spring Waiting Festival. The Solstice campfire is burned, rituals with tongue-tied and donations are performed. Last summer's Ligo holiday wreaths are burned in the campfire. Straw is very often burned, and in some places some images are made of straw, first rolled off the mountain and then burned - winter is burned and shed.

If you have never participated, then here is the right place, because those who know how will teach how its better!

Format: 19 tracks x 2 circles

Participation fees:
5, - EUR for children / youths under 15 years
12, - EUR for annual card holders and members of the UFOGOLF club
15, - EUR  for early registration till 6th of February.
18, - EUR late registration on site on race day

Online registration at Registration for each subsequent stage will open the day after the race.
CAUTION! Pre-registration is considered successful once you have registered with DGM! 

09:00 on-site registration (those who apply early also need to arrive early)
09:45 players meeting
10:00 start for 1 round
12:30 pm Lunch included
13:00 start for 2 round
16:00 award ceremony

Those who play all 8 stages will receive special prizes.
Those who complete the 7 stages will receive commemorative prizes.