NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Jari Hannula -3F333332444333362232-356
1Mikael Mäkelä -3F344233444343232242-356
3Mikke Haaranen 0F335443443324243242059
4Marko Vilola +3F323343544444352333+362
4Tommi Lautanala +3F443433454334353232+362
6Teemu Lampainen +4F333343345644252342+463
7Jussi Tuominen +5F324342545444353243+564
7Aleksi Lamerto +5F424333464533353243+564
9Manne Peippo +9F534342546625253342+968
9Miro Marttila +9F444344455435252343+968
11Juho Lamerto +10F333444464523453534+1069
11Eetu Salomäki +10F344364436534243353+1069
13Aatos Hakala +11F434454454435353343+1170
14Roni Piilinen +12F335444435545343354+1271
15Lauri Vuorenpää +19F445464546435552345+1978
16Lauri Virtanen +23F523444595554455553+2382

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The result was updated on: 2018-07-11 20:27:49. Free is used

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