Open F (3)+/-Thr345101214151617+/-Sum
1Kimberley Carniel +3F443444533+334
2Anne Actis +8F454634445+839
3Anne-Lise LUCAS +10F464645453+1041
Open H (12)+/-Thr345101214151617+/-Sum
1Benjamin Fontenas -3F233434342-328
2Adrien Pontieux -1F535423332-130
3Yann Andrevon 0F244524352031
4Myke Carniel +1F245323445+132
5Christophe GONOD +2F344533344+233
5Phil Marcantoni +2F443433453+233
5Sidney Boivin +2F454334352+233
5David Ranchou +2F443534343+233
9Pierre-emmanuel Talon +3F343534444+334
10Marnick Lucas +4F345534344+435
11Brisard Alexandre +5F444533373+536
11Michael Harrington +5F244535553+536
Master H (7)+/-Thr345101214151617+/-Sum
1David PIEL -2F343433333-229
2Xavier JOUSSON 0F252524542031
3carilho christophe +1F443423354+132
4David Beljean +1F243524453+132
5frederic moreau +3F443534353+334
6GERARD BESSET +5F653544342+536
6THIERRY JURADO +5F353545443+536
Senior H (5)+/-Thr345101214151617+/-Sum
1Patrick Dupuis +3F355433452+334
2Mario TOMASI +5F453633453+536
3Michel Coste +7F553435553+738
4thierry guitard +8F373534464+839
5jean-luc marchais +13F563545655+1344

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The result was updated on: 2018-07-01 17:02:38.

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