NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819202122232425262728+/-Sum
1Raigo Golub -23F2233322222212224232222322232-2363
2Kermo Platov -10F3333233243222332353232332322-1076
3Kasper Pisa -8F3334234332422233342422342222-878
4Ivar Raudnõmm -6F3324332423433224331324333323-680
4Hargo Liiving -6F3235324332533433234223232222-680
6Karl-Markus Kivioja -1F4334332433323234333323434323-185
6Kaarel Roht -1F2334233323333323445223255233-185
6Jaagup Kopli -1F3434234233332332344323443233-185
9Tanel Klee +2F3324432434432334243343323343+288
10Kairi Pisa +11F4334334734423243344344632332+1197

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The result was updated on: 2019-10-23 18:19:59. Free is used

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