NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021+/-Sum
1Oskari Vikström -11F222323333423324223222-1154
2Rauli Savela -1F233323344423334333243-164
3Eelis Rahikkala +5F322324333633546233244+570
4Harri Jormakka +10F333344344533636233334+1075
5Jarno Virtanen +11F434434342523445335434+1176
6Tero Kerttula +12F333553464533435333324+1277
6Pauli Pottonen +12F544544442533625333332+1277
6wille mäkinen +12F333435534543536233433+1277
9Petri Vehkonen +13F344643423443535344343+1378
10Asko Telinen +15F535433333543436455333+1580

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The result was updated on: 2019-11-03 14:12:22. Free is used

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