NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819202122232425262728+/-Sum
1Raigo Golub -22F2223332222222422232222322223-2264
2Siim Agu -9F4233333233222232233524323422-977
3Karl Johan Kastein -4F2223324423422434333353324223-482
4Kermo Platov -3F2233332433422244343243333324-383
5Margo Mölder +4F4344332333532344342323345233+490
6Gustav Juurikas +5F4334333432252244334334343442+591
7Siim.K Kullamaa +8F2333334433433443353445434223+894
8Karl-Gustav Kessel +10F3334733434353242333434433523+1096
9Anette Matto +17F4334354533523443465344344323+17103
10Johanna Matto +28F4346544544343244355435445445+28114

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The result was updated on: 2019-11-10 14:52:18. Free is used

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