Reiting kuni 860 (5)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Mikk Klaas +5F433353425+532
2Madis Voitk +6F263253426+633
3Maarek Gergalo +7F342453544+734
3Harald Laidre +7F454443325+734
5Marko Voitk +13F345366436+1340
Reiting 861+ (9)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Mario Pinka -1F332243423-126
2Bruno Võsu 0F232542423027
3karl hurt +1F333252334+128
3Igor Koroljov +1F234443323+128
5Jüri Aaste +2F233443523+229
6Margo Metsoja +3F244352424+330
6Jüri Väljaots +3F443343324+330
8Viktor Kalames +5F333443435+532
8Marko Nõmmik +5F244434335+532

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The result was updated on: 2020-02-09 12:59:03. Free is used

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