NoName+/-Thr1B2B3B 4 5 67B 8 91819202122B2324A2830A+/-Sum
Open (7)+/-Thr1B2B3B 4 5 67B 8 91819202122B2324A2830A+/-Sum
1Niklas Holmström -5F322322334332232344-550
2Andreas Kratky -4F232332333322224525-451
3Jesper Forzelius -3F322333242243333343-352
3Erik Westerberg -3F333332443323323323-352
5Jesper Isaksson 0F332324343233234326055
5vidar wennerberg 0F235333245222324325055
7Anders Bülow +1F332333444332225424+156
Avancerad (4)+/-Thr1B2B3B 4 5 67B 8 91819202122B2324A2830A+/-Sum
1Jacob Sundelin -4F332332233323233344-451
2Sebastian Hagelin -1F232253443332422325-154
3Jessie Eurenius +1F324232335333333326+156
4Alexander Gyllensvärd +17F333453445364425545+1772
Motion (6)+/-Thr1B2B3B 4 5 67B 8 91819202122B2324A2830A+/-Sum
1Simeon Sundelius -4F323232334333223325-451
2Martin Persson Thurén -2F323343334322223425-253
3Björn Pohlman +2F323332534323234345+257
4Alexander Fogelström +8F343233444335333454+863
5Johan Westerberg +11F443443243523444454+1166
6Björn Forsberg +13F343434544334334446+1368

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The result was updated on: 2020-06-17 20:56:58.

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