Pro Open (12)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Vincent Renaudier 0F243324632029
2Louka MARTIN +1F335233443+130
3Maxime Dallemagne +3F333334634+332
4JB Laine +4F334335453+433
5Julien Quaranta +5F343344643+534
5Étienne Jussiau +5F334336543+534
5Quentin Van Den Bongaard +5F433543543+534
8Medina gautier +6F344244554+635
9Jean-Roch Belin +8F344335654+837
10Alexandre CODOUNIS +10F354347544+1039
11Flouribon Groinéro-Paté +11F345444664+1140
11Tiphaine Renoult +11F544235755+1140
Pro Master 40+ (17)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Francis Le Bian +1F244234443+130
2Sylvère RIBREAU +2F333235543+231
3Pascal LATAPIE +3F334245533+332
4Vincent Sarrazin +5F344235445+534
4Guillaume Bec +5F344243743+534
6geoffrey mirgon +6F443334653+635
6Aurélien Luque +6F343336454+635
6Xavier COTTEL +6F334434644+635
6Clément Martin +6F343245743+635
6greg QUILLACQ +6F343336553+635
11Franck Delmonteil +7F344344743+736
11Gael Peyrical +7F233445744+736
13Raphaël LANGLAIS +8F343135765+837
14Claude GRANDCHAMP +9F444345554+938
14Olivier LANNELUC +9F454245653+938
14Cédric BRONDY +9F434434754+938
17Julien Lemaitre +11F433444774+1140
Pro Master Women 40+ (4)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Amandine Fastré +7F345334644+736
2Alexandra DELMONTEIL +9F344344655+938
3Marie Coffineau +11F334346674+1140
4Véronique Machat +17F556346665+1746
Junior ≤ 18 (3)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Theo CODOUNIS +14F345445846+1443
1Evan MARTIN+14F544445854+1443
3Sarrazin Adriano +20F565455865+2049

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The result was updated on: 2023-07-02 19:42:23. Free is used

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