NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
Edasijõudnud (18)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Raido Kängsepp -7F443223323232523322-750
2johan Laidoner -6F433333225222333224-651
3Markkus Kõre -5F543233224432322323-552
4Steven Lippmaa -4F433234224333333422-453
4Tanel Valgre -4F442233333322532432-453
4Alex Tammemäe -4F344232332323333325-453
7Anzelo Kutepov -2F463233333432432322-255
7Romet Priimägi -2F352234422333432424-255
Bullseye hit0%
Green hit28%
Outside circle putt1
Inside circle putts1111111111111179%
Inside bullseye putt6
10Joonas Sild +1F434235333322434424+158
Bullseye hit11%
Green hit44%
Outside circle putt1
Inside circle putts1111111111191%
Inside bullseye putt7
12Üllar Mikk +3F453233334433533324+360
12Karl Lilles +3F353335323332433444+360
12Kevor Jõgisalu +3F553224333333433434+360
15Kristo Lepmets +5F555253434532432322+562
15Marek Korpe +5F353234334333433346+562
17Sander Matto +10F374342343473623423+1067
18Toomas Jõevee +11F554344623444433334+1168
Harrastajad (12)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Sander Grab +1F443224523434434223+158
2Raido Tünder +2F563243422432432532+259
3Rene Luiga +5F464234324333534324+562
3Reimo Tamm +5F553234333343442434+562
5Urmas Hiie +6F553333433433524334+663
5Villu Kraan +6F465254523223443324+663
7Karl Kikas +7F553334434333443433+764
7Martin Kängsepp +7F444433345343444332+764
9Kiks Koppel +10F643343434443534433+1067
10Kermo Plaas +11F453244443334633436+1168
11Kaspar Klippberg +20F663384433443653534+2077
12Arti VIISPERT +26F574445344553745446+2683
Naised (7)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
Bullseye hit0%
Green hit22%
Outside circle putt0
Inside circle putts1111112167%
Inside bullseye putt12
Bullseye hit0%
Green hit11%
Outside circle putt0
Inside circle putts111111111180%
Inside bullseye putt10
3Hanna Oja +9F455234335433542524+966
4Tiina Kängsepp +16F564234533444553436+1673
5Mairi Priimägi +18F575355534443534343+1875
6Edit Tammepõld +23F553345736454545444+2380
7Katri Säde +29F684445437444663446+2986
Korraldajad (2)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Keiro Jõgisalu +1F453332342333424424+158
2Birgit Vider +5F544345222333634324+562

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The result was updated on: 2023-07-16 21:22:03.

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