NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516+/-Sum
1Urmet Maivel -7F2323322343242223-742
2Kaur Männik -5F2422332332333234-544
3Jargo Pisa -4F3333432333333222-445
4Siim Rand -3F2332433242433323-346
5Mart Aron -1F3333442334423223-148
6Raigo Golub 0F3233422342239223049
7Siim Sau +2F3433433253434232+251
8Kairi Pisa +4F4233543222534254+453
9Georg-matis Heinsoo +5F3523534244343234+554
9Regina Otsing +5F4343534353332333+554
11Henri Kallas +12F4353744323435344+1261
12Kätlin Ausin +15F5453543343445363+1564

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The result was updated on: 2023-09-20 19:37:53. Free is used

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