NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Sander Sepp -1F432332243433334432-155
1Mattias Hint -1F343323333242343433-155
3Romain Dereumaux 0F233433332423234624056
4Tauri Punder +3F334242343443233453+359
5Aapo Reitsak +4F343333343343333444+460
6Ants Reitsak jun +6F434443444443342332+662
7Paul Bõstrov +8F333353333544423454+864
8Aadi Jürmann +10F443345244444433443+1066
9Sintija Dereumaux +18F454444434633444554+1874
10Mariell Vikkisk +25F554334556553444655+2581
11Emma Orav +43F595835556566455674+4399

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The result was updated on: 2024-05-19 12:47:48. Free is used

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